Breathtaking is based on Rachel Clarke’s unflinching memoir having looked after the most gravely unwell patients in the early days of the pandemic. Amid the tensions, fatigue and rising death toll, she witnessed the courage of patients and NHS staff alike in conditions of unprecedented adversity.
大卫·亚历山大·谢侯,乔纳斯·斯特兰德·格利,赫尔曼·蒂美拉斯,亨利特·斯蒂恩斯特鲁普,吉斯利·厄恩·加达松,西诺薇·玛考迪·伦德,奥德-马格努斯·威廉森,弗里迪夫·梭哈姆,丽娜·文洛,乔纳斯·霍夫·奥夫特布洛,比约恩·桑德奎斯特,泰瑞莎·弗斯塔德·艾格斯珀,Emma Bones,Tani Dibasey,Kornelia Eline Skogseth,Eli Anne Linnestad,Jep